The project “FREE TO PLAY TOGETHER” aims to promote sporting activities for children and young people in particular in order to facilitate socializing, volunteering in sport and the education of good practices regarding sports, lifestyle and proper nutrition. In particular, the project wants to pay special attention to promoting the social inclusion of people with disabilities, through their participation and equal access to sports. The most important goal is to support and develop a concept of sports without limitations of age or physical condition.
The project wants to fully pursue the European Union’s goals in the field of sports (in particular the Action Plan “Pierre de Coubertin”, through which the White Paper proposes targeted actions), through the creation of a network between key stakeholders, promotion, detection, the sharing of good practices, awareness-raising activities on the value of sport and physical activity, in relation to personal development. “FREE TO PLAY TOGETHER”, in addition to the above objectives, aims to dissolve the barriers that separate the able-bodied from the disabled, teaching participants how to live in one’s body in a conscious way, to know and control their emotions and motor skills, enabling them to develop relationships with people and the environment, transfer skills and open up to new knowledge.